Investor Relations

Risk Management

DenizBank Moscow is aware that a successful banking operation cannot be sustained without attention given to risk management principles which the Bank has since its very first day and developed a risk management system modeled in line with the International and local risk management principles.
By continuously upgrading its control systems, the Bank is striving to create a universal and pervasive system allowing the managers to monitor and act upon all aspects of financial activity.
In addition to adhering to the requirements set forth by the Central Bank of Russia and other state regulatory bodies, the risk management system of the Bank is comprised of controls over market, credit, liquidity and operational risk. Following the Basel II guidelines, the Central Bank of Russia nevertheless has yet to make it compulsory for banks. Following its shareholder banks in their goal to achieve full compliance with Basel II, DenizBank Moscow has taken solid steps to fully apply these principles in the future. These prudent guidelines ensure predictability and sustainability of profit and a more stable capital base over the long term.